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“ Thank you so much for sending me a draft copy of your manuscript Salvation of the Soul. Like you, I believer that, as Christians, everything we do down here on earth has a direct bearing on our capacity for joy, worship and service in heaven. I certainly don’t want to “waste my sufferings” here on earth but use them as a platform for bringing more glory to God on that wonderful Day I’ll stand before Christ.” Joni Eareckson Tada Founder of Joni & Friends “I had the opportunity to meet Jim when he came to speak at a gathering called Maranatha Fellowship in Lakeland, Florida. It was through reading Jim’s first book in 1998, The Coming Spiritual Earthquake, that it answered many questions that I had asked my pastor about in Matthew 25:1-13 about the ten virgins and the rapture. Jim’s latest book on the Kingdom will help me to share and validate with others what I have been sharing with men and women for years about Outer Darkness and Gehenna, especially. I truly believe Jim Harman has a special anointing from El Elyon (the Most High) and a calling that will bless all of us who read his new book: The Kingdom.” Robin Wade – Ft. Pierce, FL “I believe Jim Harman’s book Overcomers’ Guide to the Kingdom, is the best book that Jim has written, and it covers a topic that is vital for every Christian who wants to be found faithful at the Judgment Seat of Christ. It provides the correct interpretations of many Scriptures that are generally misunderstood by pastors and Bible teachers. It also makes it clear that it is very difficult to be a faithful Christian. The book has already led me to a deeper repentance, and I will read it on a regular basis until the Lord returns.” Lyn Mize – Ooltewah, TN “The Kingdom is a timely END TIME message for all Believers to get ready for His return and open the heart of the unbelievers to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour in their lives. MARANATHA” Pastor Remegio C. Blanco – Philippines Come Away My Beloved is a treat for the Bible student on the Song of Solomon. Fresh, warm, and sensitive, this deeply thought-out volume will spur thinking and give prophetic insights. Whether you subscribe to the three-character theory of the Song or not, you will be greatly enriched by this fine book. Jimmy Reagan – Leesville, SC Author James Harman does an amazing job exploring the mysteries of this important book of Revelation, while revealing God’s heartbeat for His children to know, love and walk with His Son, and to be overcomers through the presence and power of the living Christ in their daily lives. Pastor Tom Myers – Longwood, FL “One Saturday morning in the early 90’s, while working in my kitchen, the Lord said, “turn your TV on.” Ray Brubaker was on the TBN channel holding up to the camera the book: “The Coming Spiritual Earthquake” by James Harman. Brother Brubaker said, “Every Christian needs to read this book.” I immediately ordered it and was so grateful because for several years the Lord had been showing me, “He is a Rewarder of them who diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6) He also led me to writings of other bygone Faithfuls (Panton, Govett, Pember, etc.) who reaffirmed the doctrine of Christ’s Coming 1,000 Year Millennial Reign on this Earth and only the Faithful Christians would be there. Jim’s new book entitled: The Kingdom, has laid it all out so plainly that even a child in the faith could understand. If this book has come into your hands, you are blessed of God. May HE continue to give us ears to hear and hearts to fully respond to His gracious invitation to Share His Throne.” Joan Olsen – Edmond, OK “Please know that I believe wholeheartedly in your message and have been enriched by your ability to go beneath the mere surface and find the treasures of scriptural truth that fit so cohesively together. Thank You for your endeavor Jim, as your obedience to search out The Word has served to deepen my faith and solidly anchor me in that Blessed Hope. I believe your message is sound and so very timely: “For such a time as this.” Patricia A. Hucko M.A, NCC, LPC – Basking Ridge, NJ
“ Thank you so much for sending me a draft copy of your manuscript Salvation of the Soul. Like you, I believer that, as Christians, everything we do down here on earth has a direct bearing on our capacity for joy, worship and service in heaven. I certainly don’t want to “waste my sufferings” here on earth but use them as a platform for bringing more glory to God on that wonderful Day I’ll stand before Christ.”
Joni Eareckson Tada Founder of Joni & Friends
“I had the opportunity to meet Jim when he came to speak at a gathering called Maranatha Fellowship in Lakeland, Florida. It was through reading Jim’s first book in 1998, The Coming Spiritual Earthquake, that it answered many questions that I had asked my pastor about in Matthew 25:1-13 about the ten virgins and the rapture. Jim’s latest book on the Kingdom will help me to share and validate with others what I have been sharing with men and women for years about Outer Darkness and Gehenna, especially. I truly believe Jim Harman has a special anointing from El Elyon (the Most High) and a calling that will bless all of us who read his new book: The Kingdom.”
Robin Wade – Ft. Pierce, FL
“I believe Jim Harman’s book Overcomers’ Guide to the Kingdom, is the best book that Jim has written, and it covers a topic that is vital for every Christian who wants to be found faithful at the Judgment Seat of Christ. It provides the correct interpretations of many Scriptures that are generally misunderstood by pastors and Bible teachers. It also makes it clear that it is very difficult to be a faithful Christian. The book has already led me to a deeper repentance, and I will read it on a regular basis until the Lord returns.”
Lyn Mize – Ooltewah, TN
“The Kingdom is a timely END TIME message for all Believers to get ready for His return and open the heart of the unbelievers to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour in their lives. MARANATHA”
Pastor Remegio C. Blanco – Philippines
Come Away My Beloved is a treat for the Bible student on the Song of Solomon. Fresh, warm, and sensitive, this deeply thought-out volume will spur thinking and give prophetic insights. Whether you subscribe to the three-character theory of the Song or not, you will be greatly enriched by this fine book.
Jimmy Reagan – Leesville, SC
Author James Harman does an amazing job exploring the mysteries of this important book of Revelation, while revealing God’s heartbeat for His children to know, love and walk with His Son, and to be overcomers through the presence and power of the living Christ in their daily lives.
Pastor Tom Myers – Longwood, FL
“One Saturday morning in the early 90’s, while working in my kitchen, the Lord said, “turn your TV on.” Ray Brubaker was on the TBN channel holding up to the camera the book: “The Coming Spiritual Earthquake” by James Harman. Brother Brubaker said, “Every Christian needs to read this book.” I immediately ordered it and was so grateful because for several years the Lord had been showing me, “He is a Rewarder of them who diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6) He also led me to writings of other bygone Faithfuls (Panton, Govett, Pember, etc.) who reaffirmed the doctrine of Christ’s Coming 1,000 Year Millennial Reign on this Earth and only the Faithful Christians would be there. Jim’s new book entitled: The Kingdom, has laid it all out so plainly that even a child in the faith could understand. If this book has come into your hands, you are blessed of God. May HE continue to give us ears to hear and hearts to fully respond to His gracious invitation to Share His Throne.”
Joan Olsen – Edmond, OK
“Please know that I believe wholeheartedly in your message and have been enriched by your ability to go beneath the mere surface and find the treasures of scriptural truth that fit so cohesively together. Thank You for your endeavor Jim, as your obedience to search out The Word has served to deepen my faith and solidly anchor me in that Blessed Hope. I believe your message is sound and so very timely: “For such a time as this.”
Patricia A. Hucko M.A, NCC, LPC – Basking Ridge, NJ