Jim Harman has been a Christian for over 47 years. He has diligently studied the Word of God with a particular emphasis on Prophecy. Jim has written several books and all of his titles are available on this website: The Coming Spiritual Earthquake, Overcomers Guide To The Kingdom, The Kingdom, Calling All Overcomers, Come Away My Beloved, and Daniel’s Prophecies Unsealed and Salvation of the Soul; which have been widely distributed around the world. These books encourage many to continue “Looking” for the Lord’s soon return, and bring many to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Jim’s professional experience included being a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and a Certified Property Manager (CPM). He had an extensive background in both public accounting and financial management with several well-known national firms before he retired recently. Jim has been fortunate to have been acquainted with several mature believers who understand and teach the deeper truths of the Bible. It is Jim’s strong desire that many will come to realize the importance of seeking the Kingdom and seeking Christ’s righteousness as we approach the soon return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The burden of his heart is to see many believers come to know the joy of Christ’s triumph in their life as they become true overcomers, qualified and ready to rule and reign with Christ in the coming Kingdom.
Jim and his wife Cindy began the ministry of Prophecy Countdown back in 1989 to help prepare the Bride of Christ for the return of our wonderful Bridegroom. Jim’s early ministry included appearances on numerous radio and television programs across America and he has shared the same stage with some of the leading prophecy scholars and teachers of our day. All of their newsletters and books have been written to encourage the believer in Christ and to force them to dig deep into the Word to see what the Lord is telling us. The message of all of the books on this website is to get ready, Jesus is coming very soon…prepare yourself now while there is still time!
If you would like to help spread the Good News about the coming Kingdom, please consider doing the following:
1. Pray that God will use this website and the books and articles will help prepare the bride for the Bridegroom’s soon return.
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5. We are looking for a Christian singer or group to record the exciting new song: Looking for the Son (sung to the Grammy Award winning tune: Rolling in the Deep. Please contact us if you are interested or know someone who is: jim@prophecycountdown.com
To contact the author for questions or to arrange for speaking engagements, CLICK HERE. Prophecy Countdown Biography
The primary purpose of Prophecy Countdown is to help the believer’s heart maintain an inner watchfulness by kindling a fire of faith and hope in Christ and fanning it with facts, Biblical Truths, and world events until the coming of our Lord. The main mission of all or our writings have been to help believers to be ready. Brief Doctrinal Statement We believe in:
- Salvation by grace through faith, plus nothing.
- The security of the believer.
- The substitutionary work of Jesus Christ on the cross.
- The virgin birth of Jesus Christ.
- The trinity of God.
- The Deity of Jesus Christ.
- The Sovereignty of God.
- The coming rapture of Firstfruit believers and the Main Harvest rapture of the church. (a)
- The literal and visible return of Jesus Christ (the Second Coming will be Premillennial).
- The literal and future rule of Jesus Christ over the earth.
- The coming 1,000 year Kingdom of Christ is a reward for faithful Christians that suffer with Him against sin and the world (2 Timothy 2:12). Christians may be chastised at the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:9-11) and miss the opportunity to rule and reign with Christ during the 1000 year Kingdom. Yet, they will not lose salvation in eternity (1 Corinthians 3:15)
- Everlasting life for those who are saved, and punishment in the lake of fire for those who have rejected Jesus Christ.
- Rewards, or loss of rewards, for the saints at the Judgment Seat of Christ.
- The priesthood of the believer.
- The infallibility of the Holy Scriptures, the Word of God.
- The work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of every believer.
- The Lord permits trials in a believer’s life so we can learn perseverance towards Christian maturity.
- The incredible future the Lord has in store for the faithful overcoming believers.
(a) This view of phased raptures was also held by such noted and well respected Bible teachers as: Ray Brubaker, Mikkel Dahl, Robert Govett, G.H. Lang, Hudson Taylor, Witness Lee, Lyn Mize, Watchman Nee, D.M. Panton, G.H. Pember, George N.H. Peters, Joseph A. Seiss, A.B Simpson and John Wilkinson who are all now deceased. The above beautiful painting of the Bride of Christ is by Dorothy Spaulding.