Calling All Overcomers
An Interpretation of the Book of Revelation
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Calling All Overcomers is more than the title to this book…it’s the personal call of God’s own heart. One of the central messages in the book of Revelation is that God is calling men to be genuine overcomers. Jesus Christ has been sent out from the throne of God to conquer men’s hearts so they can also be overcomers.
The purpose of this book is to encourage people to embrace him as the King of their heart and allow his life to reign in theirs. He wants you to be able to overcome by his mighty power and strength living inside of you just as He overcame for all of us. Jesus will be looking for a faithful remnant qualified to rule and reign with him when he returns. This book will help you prepare to be the overcomer Jesus will be looking for.
Supplemental Articles for Calling All Overcomers
Table of Contents
24 Elders 24 Elders
Fifth Seal 5th Seal – ISIS
Daniel’s 70th Week
Mystery Babylon
Gog-Magog War
Other Articles
Precursors To 6th Seal
Rare Tsunami Caused by Earthquake
Islands Moved Out of Their Place
Other Videos
While You Were Sleeping by Casting Crowns
While You Were Sleeping Lyrics
Lamb Has Overcome – He Is Alive
“I can do all things through Christ
which strengtheneth me.” (Phl 4:13)
PRWeb Press Releases-Calling All Overcomers
Daniel’s Prophetic Clock
Stopped Ticking at
Christ’s Death
Is Daniel’s Clock about to Start Ticking once again?
The recovery of the Old City of Jerusalem in June 1967 was a pivotal Prophetic Event. Find out how this major Prophetic Milestone may correlate with the start of the Second Half of Daniel’s 70th Week.
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. (Colossians 2:8 NIV)
The “Traditional” teaching on the “70th Week of Daniel” has taken the Church captive into believing almost a “fairy tale” regarding Endtime events. Find out the beautiful Truth that has been hidden from modern day Christians.
Jesus Christ is returning for His Bride. Are you “Watching” for your Bridegroom today? Find out the consequences of not being ready before the final grains of sand descend through the hour glass. Don’t be one of those who will be LEFT BEHIND!
![]() “Accounted Worthy To Escape”“The Great Delusion“View & Print Full Color Charts (login found in book)Resume of Jesus Christ |
Daystar Prophecy: Day Star
The following sites contain some information we do not agree with but they do teach the 3 1/2 Year Tribulation:
Preparing for Lord’s Coming:
The following 25 minute video is a word the Church needs to listen to:
Also, the following Video will stir your heart about the Lord’s return:
Regarding Jonathan Cahn’s recent book: The Harbinger
Isaiah 9:10 Video by Jonathan Cahn – Introduction (3:37 minutes)
All of the books that are published by Prophecy Countdown Publications are available free of charge as PDF files on this website. The following book was published by Joy Publishing in 2007, and can be purchased below:
ORDER YOUR COPY OF: Don’t Be Left Behind
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