Another New Look at The Timing of the Rapture
I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven:
and the first voice which I heard
was as it were of a trumpet talking with me;
which said, Come up hither,
Revelation 4:1
Then I, John saw the Holy City,
New Jerusalem, coming down
out of heaven from God,
prepared as a bride adorned
for her husband.
Revelation 21:2
The Holy City, the New Jerusalem, will be the dwelling place of Jesus, along with the called, and chosen, and faithful for 1,000 years. It will orbit around planet Earth for the millennium, after which God will bring the Holy City down to the Earth for all the ages to come.
The purpose of THE OPEN DOOR is to prepare you to be part of reigning and ruling with the King of the Universe in this magnificent Holy City.
I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it:
for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. Revelation 3:8
God has promised a special “open door” to the faithful Christians of the Philadelphia church. This open door is promised to keep these faithful Christians from the “hour of temptation.”
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Revelation 3:10
A few verses later in Revelation 4:1 the Apostle John looks up and sees this open door into heaven.
After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter. Revelation 4:1
This book was written to reveal the Scriptures that will help you learn how to watch for, and be a part of Jesus Christ’s coming Kingdom. If you are seeking more than simple answers, this book will show you the deeper truths in the Scriptures that will lead you to a closeness with Christ now, and a position with Him in His coming Kingdom in the very near future.
The message in this timely prophetic book will help you understand:
- The Judgment Seat of Christ will not be an award ceremony for every Christian.
- Which one of the Seven Feasts the Rapture will occur on.
- How you can obtain each of the Five Crowns mentioned in the Bible.
- How you can ensure you will be part of the Bride of Christ.
- What the Seven Parables of the Kingdom really mean.
- Which of the Seven Churches you should be a member in.
- The future destiny of the United States of America.
- The startling identity of the Antichrist who is about to emerge on the World stage.
- How you can escape the coming tribulation period.
- How you can reign and rule with the King of the Universe.
Jesus went away almost 2,000 years ago and He is in the process of preparing a Holy City for all overcoming believers. Lyn Mize has given us an excellent resource that can be instrumental in helping us qualify to become part of those who will reign and rule with Jesus in this magnificent Holy City.
Supplemental Articles for The Open Door
The Rapture in The Song of Solomon
Scripture References for Antichrist in The Open Door
3 Interpretaions of Feasts P. 86
Overview of 7 Church Periods – Page 159
7 Churches of Revelation – Page 168
Scandalon by Michael Card with Lyrics
Michael Cards Teaching on Scandalon